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Is Radical Islamic Extremism on the Rise in Europe?

Yesterday one ISIS radical Islamic extremist killed two Swedish citizens in Brussels. Radical Islam is a global problem but this problem has been ignored by the European Union and United Nations. There is not any mechanism has been implemented by any country to suppress this radical Islam. Radical Islam is a very religion-specific problem. India and the United States are the few countries that have fought a long battle against terrorism.

Terrorism is supported by some people who follow very radical extremism Islam and it becomes very complicated to differentiate one Normal Person from a Radicalised person. Generally, Islamic scholars also do not allow any kind of discussion and they follow very conservative methods where discussion on religion is highly prohibited. Some expert thinks that this conservative approach has also prevented any form of reforms within Islam.

The rights of women are highly reduced under Sharia Law. We have seen how Iran saw huge protests after the Mahsa Amini hijab controversy. Women’s rights and their freedom have always been a very controversial topic. Polygamy is also very problematic for women. India is the only country which has initiated discussion on these controversial topics under the leadership of PM Modi. PM Modi talks about women’s rights and he has faced various attacks from radical extremists but this did not deter him. He banned triple Talaq and he is also trying to bring a Uniform Civil code in India which will give equal rights to every citizen of the Country.

Generally, India faced a problem when our media discussed Radical Islam and they were always termed Islamophobia and Jihadi Radicals always tried to protect themselves through this term but things changed when PM Modi took office and he is the first leader in the country who followed zero-tolerance against Terrorism and he is also against all types of Evil practices which is done on the name of religion. He allowed people to debate and discuss. PM Modi is always projected as a Hindu Nationalist by various media outlets but very few people know that he is getting massive support from Muslim women and he has tried to liberate them from rigid Islamic Laws.

PM Modi also controlled Radical Islam in the country and those who had followed the path of terrorism in Kashmir, these youth are returning back to normal life, this could have not been possible without the efforts of PM Modi. This is true that you need to have a strict approach towards terrorism and various European countries have ignored this. You can debate and discuss radical Islam but still, there are huge youths who are highly radicalized and you can not allow them to indulge in terrorist activity by keeping a soft approach towards them.

Generally, there is a process which is followed by Radical Islamists against Non-Muslims which can be understood through the example of Kashmir. Once they get accepted by a good percentage of the population and then they engage in terrorist activity against non-Muslims to drive them out of a particular area and claim this whole region. This is a very clandestine approach and generally Non Muslims can not understand this radical Islam. This is highly supported by some Islamic scholars and that’s how terrorism became a big problem for the World.

There are some European countries which have started to check the illegal immigration from Middle Eastern countries and Pakistan. Some expert feels that you need to have a strict rule regarding illegal immigration and if this is not controlled then Europe will face a similar situation that India faced during the Rohingya crisis. This illegal immigration increases crime rate, rapes and terrorism activity and the whole nexus works against non-believers. Some expert feels that Israel Palestine is not a land-related crisis but a crisis of Radical Islamic mentality where coexistence with a non-believer is not promoted and this is a big problem for many democratic countries.

Some expert also thinks that massive funding is being done from various Middle Eastern countries to promote their ideology on various European Union countries and they have alreday infiltrated many countries in huge number and this radical Islamic ideology may become a reason for massive confrontation in the coming years once they become good percentage population of country. European citizens are also not ready to handle any kind of riots or war like Indian or Israeli Citizens. European Union must follow strict rules and regulations regarding illegal immigration and they should also allow discussion on radical Islamic extremism in their mainstream media and don’t take this as Islamophobia.

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